Airlines Records launches website with Deep Fantasy Surfing Cassette

Physical Releases

Deep Fantasy by Surfing

Deep Fantasy by Surfing (Deep Fantasy Tape)

To announce Airlines records new website they released this reissue. I know a lot of people missed out on it with first run.

After some more research, turns out this is Surfings own label and he’s releasing all his music on cassette right now on it. Awesome launch man!

Digital Releases

wedged flip flop shoppe by 🇧 l Ʌ n k . Ȥ̟̒ͧͮͥ º Ξ ʎ 『〙

I’ve never heard this sample. Weird how much this plays with my head because of listening to the original so much. The textures used are interesting, almost like flip book animation being played. lol

Mid Evil by Arena

This album has a really midi instrumental vibe to it based around theme of a sunken kingdom. I really enjoyed the piano synth in Knight’s Bossa. Then Dimensional Dance midi bass made me laugh, no reverse or anything. Just direct midi notes.

Television constellations by video forum

I wonder what the background to the development of this album is. The samples used are probably all television related. Just feels too chill or minimal for me to have any real emotion to it. Maybe I don’t watch enough TV.

Not Saved For Work by Creepy Earth

[Δ]34 Creepy Earth is the kind of song i remember hearing at 2AM on my local radio college station going out to get late night taco bell with the homies.

Scene News


Monday June 24, 2019 at 12pm Central I think a collaboration album is going to be released on Geometric Lullaby.

They released a little youtube video with a few artist, Maitro, business auto to name two. So looks like it’s some kind of multi-artist project.

Airlines Records

Airlines Records is a new label to me (turns out they’re been around for a bit). They barely have 60 followers on twitter yet they just launched their website and they have a lot of merch to make the website launch a success. It’s interesting to me that they bought the domain just to post to bandcamp. but businenss casual does that too so I’m guessing there’s a good reason. If you’ve missed Surfing – Deep Fantasy or wannt some tees, hats or hoodies, go check out their website.

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