Albums / BLEED RED – Bleed Blue (Cassette)
BLEED RED – Bleed Blue (Cassette)
$10 USD or more

Album Description
No Description
Limited Edition Cassette
Shipping begins 08/08/2022 .
Cassette tape includes:
Full-color single-sided cardstock j-card
Duplicated audio, A & B sides
Randomly hand-selected Pokémon card
GULF SPA Records sticker
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, orders may take longer than expected to be shipped out. Please be patient and understanding. We ship multiple orders every Tuesday and Friday.
Out of US orders fluctuate in shipping prices throughout the year. Consider this with your purchase.
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Tracks may be slightly edited and/or shortened for the cassette format.
Manufacturing, Production, and Distribution by ©GULFSPARecords2022.
Includes digital pre-order of BLEED RED. You get 2 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released. ... more
Released on GULF SPA Records's Bandcamp.
Info: releases July 8, 2022
Music by Bleed Blue.
Manufacturing, Production, and Distribution by ©GULFSPARecords2022.