Albums / Boyhood by Binaural Space (Digital)

Boyhood by Binaural Space (Digital)

Album Description

This Long Play (45 min) album is full of stories from my childhood. Boyhood, actually: back then just boys ran both in our family and in the village.

I had a beautiful boyhood. I grew up in a totalitarian country but I didn't know so I didn't mind. Socialism, we were explained, meant there was peace, there were no evil exploiters/capitalists/racists around and all adults had work. When I started to realize we paid for everything by our freedom and we had been lied to about many things, the Velvet Revolution happened so our family was allowed to travel and speak freely right when I entered my teenage years.

The place I was happiest at was our cottage; my Grandmot... [Read more]

Released on Binaural Space's Bandcamp. Info: released July 3, 2020

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