Albums / 離れて一緒に by 離れて一緒に (Digital)
離れて一緒に by 離れて一緒に (Digital)
Album Description
Rejoice, fans of dds.wmv, T e l e p a t h, Desert Sand Feels Warm at Night, Mindspring Memories, and HKE! In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, Spiritmask and Eternal Judge had a collaboration project in the works. Unfortunately, halfway through, Spiritmask's internet went down, leaving Eternal Judge to complete the project on their own. Unknown to them however, was that Spiritmask was still working on the album. After his internet went back up, Spiritmask and Eternal Judge sent each other the finished albums, only to realize that they had been apart together. 離れて一緒に (Apart Together) is the name of this collaboration effort, and is a first foray into the world of slushwave for Spirit... [Read more]
Released on SINE.WAV RECORDS's Bandcamp.
Info: released July 2, 2020
B1: あなたを失った
B2: 夢街
B3: 一枚岩の
C1: 絡み合う
C2: ゴールデンラバー
D1: 修理を超えて壊れた
D2: 疑いもなく、あなたは私の壊れやすい手を取った