Albums / Lunar EP by Marquis Hawkes (Digital)
Lunar EP by Marquis Hawkes (Digital)
Album Description
Marquis Hawkes returns to UTTU with an extended player of ambient house grooves - kick back, empty your mind, and relax until you feel like you are going to melt into the floor…
Released on Marquis Hawkes's Bandcamp.
Info: released June 5, 2020
DJ Feedback 🗣️
DJ Harvey “nice” 5/5
Eclair Fifi "love these!!"
Len Faki "class vibe on the whole ep - love it!” 5/5
ike_release "Production spot on as always for Marquis” 5/5
Andreas Baumecker "Love melting into the floor !” 4/5
Extrawelt "Beautifully soothing!” 5/5
Fear-E "Lovely stuff!” 4/5
Alan Fitzpatrick "this is wicked! so much love for this`!” 4/5
robdabank "just what i lush x” 4/5
Bill Brewster "Lunar and Voyage the picks, reminds me of Italo-house, the early years.” 3/5
Boxia "This is all kinds of wonderful, ups to UTTU WIll be adding to some mixes im doing for Hyte”