Albums / 不是你的春夢 Not Your Wet Dream by 我是機車少女 i'mdifficult (Cassette)

不是你的春夢 Not Your Wet Dream by 我是機車少女 i'mdifficult (Cassette)

$8.50 USD or more 

不是你的春夢 Not Your Wet Dream by 我是機車少女 i'mdifficult

Album Description


Based in Taipei, i'm difficult is a experimental pop project of 5 EPs starting in July 2018. 「Not Your Wet Dream」is the 3rd EP from them.

限量磁带 Limited Edition Cassette

Comes with a lyrics book with a removable sticker on it and a download code inside.


Includes unlimited streaming of 不是你的春夢 Not Your Wet Dream via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.

Musics The Hang Up Thoughts

Featured in the first issue of "Visual Signals" magazine: "Based in Taipei, this little indie pop project hit all the shoe-gaze / bedroom-pop feels for me. The male vocals might be an acquired taste but I like how it's thrown around."

Released on Qiii Snacks Records's Bandcamp. Info: released October 28, 2019

Not Your Wet Dream is written and produced by 凌元耕Ernest Ling, with writing credits to 王沂紳Eason Wang, and 張芷瑄Hsuan Chang.

Playing on this record is 凌元耕/張芷瑄 on synths, 王沂紳 on Guitar, Rose Goosen on trumpet, 凌元耕 on drums/rhythm, 凌元耕/張芷瑄/王沂紳/Rose on vocals.

It is recorded, mixed, and mastered by 陳星奎HK Chen.

The album name, and the cover art were conceived by 彭詩庭 and Youtree

Here is to credit people who have shared their creative minds in shaping this EP into what it has become: A-Ben, KP, 黃寧, Zooey Lin, Leo37, Brant, Natsuko, Iz, Josh M, 彭詩庭.

Physical copies design by 彭詩庭(你有點有趣)

Cassette release by 琪琪音像 Qiii Snacks Records.

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