Albums / クールなRPG VII-美しい死 (憂鬱版) by TAK ZERO (Digital)
クールなRPG VII-美しい死 (憂鬱版) by TAK ZERO (Digital)
Album Description
Tak had a normal day, but after the World Trade Center attack he became depressed. After a sad day at school, while retuning to home he met a mysterious figure. In his head questions appeared: "who is this?", "Do I know this person?". Suddenly a mysterious figure attacked him with a syringe with some drugs. Tak fell, he thought he died but he appeared in a strange land, where he decided to start a new adventure ...
クールなRPG VII-美しい死 (憂鬱版) is second album from "Cool" series.
Album is dedicated to all people who are scared and restless every day.
Special Thanks for Maxwell and Vaporjazz for helping me with this album.... [Read more]
Released on TAK ZERO's Bandcamp. Info: released July 12, 2020