Albums / Socotra by Leuchtend (Digital)
Socotra by Leuchtend (Digital)
Album Description
Leuchtend returns with a brand new single and two breathtaking renditions of Hiighways, Socotra sees the music take a darker, more moody atmosphere.
Released on Tremolo Skies's Bandcamp.
Info: releases May 1, 2020
Music by Aiden Harlow
Hiighways (PANDEMK mix) released along side Socotra & Hiighways (orchestral mix) courtesy of PANDEMK.
Artist management: Anthony Lopez (Achelon Media Group)
Recorded by Aiden Harlow
Recorded at Studio Istta
Mixed & mastered by Aiden Harlow
Mix & mastered at Studio Istta
Art direction & design: Aiden Harlow
Artwork by Aiden Harlow
Logo by Aiden Harlow
Leuchtend official HP:
Tremolo Skies
Achelon Media Group