Albums / T r a n s c e n d e n t a l ///TRANSIT> – Hallucinatory Dream Sequence (Digital)
T r a n s c e n d e n t a l ///TRANSIT> – Hallucinatory Dream Sequence (Digital)
Album Description
Transcendental Transit is a journey through the life of a conflicted individual who very recently experienced a life changing and traumatic event. Forcing them to pack up and move to start a new life in a new location.
In order to help understand these dramatic changes and self reflection, the individual connects and enters to the Cyber Cerebral Cellular Network (CCCN). Uploading your mental data enables the user to play back through old memories and explore the spaces in-between of once l... [Read more]
Musics The Hang Up Thoughts
This album was featured in Issue 6 of Visual Signals.
Released on Hallucinatory Dream Sequence's Bandcamp.
Info: released August 8, 2021
Instrumentation and sampling found here is done for non-commercial entertainment and educational research only. Composed, collected, and warped by Hallucinatory Dream Sequence. HDS.