Albums / The Crystal Ship by Biscuit Baloo (Digital)

The Crystal Ship by Biscuit Baloo (Digital)

Album Description

Dedicated to Brian

Musics The Hang Up Thoughts

What started off as a DM on twitter turned into probably my favorite album I've listened to all week. Biscuit Baloo uses a collection of mixing and sampling techniques in a way that makes this experimental album stands on its own. The track "Soup Kitchen" has to be the hit of the album. I'll be listening to this on repeat the rest of the week.

Released on Biscuit Baloo's Bandcamp. Info: released September 25, 2019

Produced by Biscuit Baloo
Written by Biscuit Baloo
Arrangements by Biscuit Baloo
Mixed by Biscuit Baloo
Mastered by Biscuit Baloo

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