Albums / The Great Adventure by Coordination (Digital)

The Great Adventure by Coordination (Digital)

Album Description

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Released on Coordination's Bandcamp. Info: released January 1, 2020

The Great Adventure was written, produced & recorded by Anthony Brisson in Portland, Oregon from 2015 - 2020.

Video editing/processing by Lianne Davidson.
Guest performers and collaborators include Eddie Bond (synthesizer & piano), Lisa Schonberg (drums, percussion, synth bass & field recordings), Cam Mazzia (Bass guitar), Amenta Abioto (vocals), Zachary Blake Nelson (slide guitar), Robert Murphy (violin).

Mixed by Anthony Brisson, assistant mixers & advisers Cameron Spies & Jason Powers.
Assisant sound advisers: Tommy Welton & Nathaniel Durand Wills.
All of the singles were mastered by Timothy Stollenwerk at Stereophonic Mastering.
Album cover and art direction by Kevin Allen aka KAD (

Soundscape collage includes Uncle Ron Sobcezak and Grandfather Chet Sobcezak's reel to reel collection. Reel recordings include messages home from Vietnam, Chet Sobcezak playing harmonica & singing, Kathy Brisson singing "over the rainbow", Nixon's resignation hearing & speech, radio broadcasts from 1950s and 60s, lots of Steppenwolf, & polka.
Field recordings include Jake & Molly Williams singing with their dog Dudley, Deborah Woodward art curation, coqui frog from Hawaii , protests in São Paulo, insects, church bells & plane traffic in Brazil, Zweikaft family reunion, subway & street traffic from NYC, Secret Drum Band tour, fireside talks with David Brisson, recordings donated by Corey O'Flanagan & Lianne Davidson during their travels through Asia, and street sounds from Portland, OR.

Special thanks to my family, Lisa's family, the Gibbs family, Jeremy Brisson, Eric McClanahan, Misplaced Screenprinting, Andrew Clyde & Henry Gibson, Jeremiah Brunnhoelzl, Evan Mersky, Ben Willams, Ali Clarys, Amber Michelle Thompson, Benjamin Ayers, Conor Gates Kennedy (arrangement ideas on 'Conor Stays Up Late'), Liberty Straney, Simon Yuen, sts, Kerkyra, Fredbelle, Allan Wilson, Brian Mumford, Leah Bowden, Mike Gamble, Revival Drum Shop, Jose Medeles, Jake Endicott, Keary Ortiz, ATTA (Fabricio, Erica é Tainara), Laurent, Lilian, Lia, Malu, Sarah, Alex, Lucy, On the Move, & the Hartman/Rabins Family, and electronic genius Marc Christiansen.
R.I.P LKN. You will live forever

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