Albums / Yesten Smol Composer by Yesten's Legacy (Digital)
Yesten Smol Composer by Yesten's Legacy (Digital)
Album Description
FORM 2020 03 25 B
This album is a compilation of unreleased tracks Yesten's Legacy made as a child with Mario Paint Maker. "Le Chant du Ninja" is his first non-improvised track he made at age 10. The most recent tracks were made at age 16.
The track have been organised by seasons two years prior it was released and Yesten's Legacy decided to keep it that way. Each season has a specific mood and/or aesthetic.
Winter: 1-7 (cold, dark)
Spring: 8-14 (melodic, optimistic)
Summer: 15-21 (energetic, warm)
Autumn: 22-28 (dark, epic, sad, written in minor key)
Released on Paradox Grid's Bandcamp. Info: released March 25, 2020