Albums / ソリス博物館 by Telenights (Physical)

ソリス博物館 by Telenights (Physical)

¥1,090 JPY or more 

ソリス博物館 by Telenights

Album Description

☆Limited Edition Cassette Tape Drops 4.9 11PM(EST)/4.10 12PM(JST)/4.10 5AM(CET)

I had awoken in a dark, spacious room. I didn't know where I was, and I didn't know where I was going. I looked around to find many statues and busts, all seemingly surveying me. I got up and felt a strange sensation like I was being watched by the many sculptures.

I walked around trying to find a door or light switch. I aimlessly danced around the sculptures trying to find some way out. It was just too dark to see anything. I fe... [Read more]

Limited Edition

Limited edition(C-30)cassette tape
Cassette Tape: hand dubbed (real time) on C-30 (music time is around 15 minutes per side) double card insert j-card inside a Norelco case. All packed in a poly bag.
***Bonus Track "Cerulean Seas" Included!***

Art Work by: Telenights
Edit&Layout by: Seikomart

Seikomart exclusive release.
Made in JAPAN

・Telenights - ソリス博物館

Includes unlimited streaming of ソリス博物館 via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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Released on Seikomart's Bandcamp. Info: released March 9, 2020


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