Albums / First Class Anniversary by Various Artists (Digital)
First Class Anniversary by Various Artists (Digital)
Album Description
May 27th 2019, the day has been made when two young vaporfunk enthusiasts have united to form a label like no other; named First Class Collective
To bring out inspiration into the digital music scene with Ethan/MiddleClassComfort (@MidClassComfy) and the fascination in DIY high quality cassettes with Zico Yoshi (@zicoUwU), the label has gone through many flights over the misty waters of the vapor ocean, transporting artists big and small into the heights of acknowledgement.
Over the months, the label and its artists have been recognized and gained a lot of fame; some of the releases even got the attention of the Bandcamp team themselves. Even endorsements from other big... [Read more]
Released on First Class Collective's Bandcamp. Info: releases June 19, 2020