Albums / l o v e _ a m o n g _ t h e _ r u i n s by VA:10 Association (Digital)
l o v e _ a m o n g _ t h e _ r u i n s by VA:10 Association (Digital)
Album Description
That feeling arrives again… L O V E. It’s the emotions that can make or break you… It can make you laugh, happy, and sad…
From the VA:10 Association comes a new project with 40 songs that were created by the Vaporwave community to explore the concept of love and it’s aura that surrounds and bleeds into the hearts and souls of many…
Time to lower down the lights, light some candles and dance the night away with the tones of smooth jazz and sultry synth. Let it sweep you off your feet and take the world away from you to the depth of the r u i n s…
- Chiefahleaf (VA:10 Association Coordinator)
All profits will be going to ... [Read more]
Released on First Class Collective's Bandcamp.
Info: released February 17, 2020
Concept Proposed by スピリットマスク
Album Cover Designed by VANITAS命死
Album Name Proposed by VAPOROBOROS
Tracklist Curated by Chiefahleaf
Audio Equalized by POPCULTR