Albums / Let It Go by Dan Mason (Physical)
Let It Go by Dan Mason (Physical)
$12 USD or more

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Let It Go 7"
This preorder is currently being pressed and is expected to ship mid-January! Please note if you purchase this pre-order, the other items in your cart will be delayed until that time.
1) Let It Go
2) Everytime I Cry (3D Blast Remix)
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Includes unlimited streaming of Let It Go via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Musics The Hang Up Thoughts
The 7" is finally out for the newest single from Dan Mason + an incredible 3D Blast remix. This fits the sound George Clanton hits which is interesting how much my ears catch some of that floaty feel off this. For 12 USD this is a steal tbh.
Released on Dan Mason's Bandcamp. Info: released January 10, 2020