Albums / Meridian by Secretflowers (Cassette)
Meridian by Secretflowers (Cassette)
$8 USD or more
Album Description
Meridian utilizes tape loops, guitars, and broken electronics to create a vortex of textured soundscapes. Each piece flowing into the next, ranging from dizzy-ing and disorienting to the more calm and meditative all without losing much in the way of continuity. The material here shares more commonalities with avant garde minimalism through its use of repetition than anything else, with each sample being stretched into infinity while also being incredibly densely layered. A true exploration in sound that is incredibly hypnotic and sure to leave ... [Read more]
These 50 purple tinted tapes were professionally dubbed by our friends at and come with J-card and label artwork designed by Secretflowers.
Includes unlimited streaming of Meridian via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Released on Night Light Tapes's Bandcamp. Info: released January 1, 2020