Albums / 서울 꿈×人生の事実 by ストリーミングのDREAM (Digital)

서울 꿈×人生の事実 by ストリーミングのDREAM (Digital)

Album Description

ここの世界は完璧でした。 世界は道徳的でした。 世界は人間でした。 侵略が起こったよりも。 だから私は去って、別の土地に移動しなければなりませんでした。 この土地。 私の新しい世界。 ソウル、韓国の夢。

이제 한국어를 해요. 이제 나는 경주 용 자동차를 좋아합니다. 내가 어 렸으면 좋겠다. 그래서 자동차도 경주 할 수 있었다.

"Now i speak korean. Now I like racing cars. I wish i was young, so I too could race cars."

Musics The Hang Up Thoughts

I love the concept of this album. A Japan older man has to leave his country to live in South Korea. He moves to Seoul and seeing racing cars and falls in love. If only he was younger and could join them. That is is "Korean dream".

Released on ストリーミングのDREAM's Bandcamp. Info: released January 24, 2020

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