Albums / 潜在的な雪 by 天気予報 (Cassette)
潜在的な雪 by 天気予報 (Cassette)
$10 USD or more

Album Description
We are happy to release 潜在的な雪 by 天気予報 as Aqua-005.
Cassettes coming soon! Stay tuned.
カセットはもうすぐ! 乞うご期待。
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We heard from some fans they would like a reissue of potential snow, so we are doing a pre order to see how many we should make this time.
We will run this pre order until 4/20/20.
This will ship in 4-6 weeks after that. You are agreeing to wait 4-6 for shipping by buying this tape. You will get it, we promise.
Includes unlimited streaming of 潜在的な雪 via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Musics The Hang Up Thoughts
New pre-order out for potential Snow. Running until 4/20/20
Released on Aquablanca 音楽レーベル's Bandcamp.
Info: released October 27, 2019
originally released December 25, 2017