Albums / Deep Internet by ブラジル404 (Digital)

Deep Internet by ブラジル404 (Digital)

Album Description

Sao Paulo,HELL 3AM
>4chan death when?
>They call us a hoax,we are banned forever from the world. They made us depressed as fuck,who would win? Hétero ou Nao-Hetero?
>666 millions of woman's are dead
>No respect for everything
>O hétero branco tem tanto privilégio no subconsciente das pessoas, que até matou 666 milhões de travestis no mundo. Brasil virou um mundo violento.
>Agora todo mundo está só “ué, ué, ué, ué”. crime ocorre nada acontece feijoada.
>Internet is a Lost World.
4chan is a place for m... [Read more]

Released on ブラジル404's Bandcamp. Info: released June 4, 2020

Some of vocals are by Bjork and Pabllo Vittar
vocals by AlterEgo VST (NATA and Marie Ork.)
drums by KITE0080

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