Albums / Kamen Ride by REdcloud64 (Digital)

Kamen Ride by REdcloud64 (Digital)

Album Description

1600 years ago there was a Great Rider War, where countless riders stained the earth with their blood to cause an anomaly to form. It was called the Convergence.

Now, the Rider War has come back around. “Kamen Rider REd” has found a fragment of the convergence, allowing him to pass freely through the dimensional walls that separate his reality from others. Legends have only foretold of the hero (or villain depending on who you ask) “Decade”. Unfortunately the remainder of historical information on the past war has been lost, however — “with this fragment I can go to that point in time and witness the Great Rider War first hand!”.

Released on B O G U S // COLLECTIVE's Bandcamp. Info: released April 27, 2020

Produced by: REdcloud64

Cover art by: REdcloud64 & TVVIN_PINEZ_M4LL

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